new babies & thinning the herd

well, just as i got the herd thinned a little, we have 5 litters of pups born. this is a picture of Sugar giving birth to one of her 3 pups. it is so amazing to witness the birth of these little guys. after she was finished giving birth, i took the babies and put them in a nest box while i filled their cage with hay to protect their little feet. mom and babies are doing well and went to a new home when they were a couple weeks old.


more babies….they are absolutely adorable.

CowCow’s latest litter

CowCow’s latest litter

So many babies!!

Well, it has been quite a while since I updated on the cuy. They are all doing well, though two of the boars, Waddles and Huxley, have passed since I last posted. Now we have 11 cuy, 4 boars and 7 sows; and 5 guinea pigs, 1 boar and 4 sows. They are fun even though they are smelly. Our dogs have been enjoying cuy stew when we cull our excess boars. For now I’ll share some pictures from the last year.

we have CUY!!!!! \(^o^)/

I was planning to get cuy next year, but when my friend told me she was ready to get rid of hers I jumped at the chance to add them to the farm. So meet the crew….

this is kind of old news now because it happened this summer. however, we have been quite busy since then and now the holidays are upon us. i’ll post more soon and let you see pics of the babies. oh, there is some sad news….Huxley pig is no longer with us, may he rest in peace.

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(253) 220-7897