adding and subtracting

recently we sold six rabbits and sent more than twice that to freezer camp. we also got three more Champagne does from a fellow breeder to help enhance our program. i’ve been working on loins for several years and have been successful, however now my rabbits are not quite full to the table in the hindquarters. hopefully with the addition of these does we can fix that.

finally breeding again!

This has been quite the crazy year. I haven’t bred any rabbits since early spring. Recently I bred a couple of does which will be due in a couple of weeks. Next week I’m hoping to breed three more does, two of which are new from this spring’s breedings.

On a sad note, we said goodbye to Maverick and Davina this year. They will be sorely missed.



He was my first buck and refused to eat until he got pets and scratches.



Always so sweet and falling out of her cage to greet us.

We have added a Beveren doe to our meat breeding program. Her name is Bellafina. Mercutio, our fuzzy Beveren buck, will be super excited when she is old enough to breed. lol


Look for some sale bucks coming up soon. I’ll try to get pictures uploaded next week.

Contact us by phone or email.

(253) 220-7897