all grown up

Oscar and Olga are all grown up now. the ducks are doing well and love exploring the yard and the garden. surprisingly, they don’t bother much of the veggies as they are more interested in finding the bugs, snails, and worms in the raised beds. we have been getting one to two eggs a day for most of the winter. Fey lays the most and likes to find places to hide her eggs. Tina is better at following expectations and tends to lay in the “Duck-gloo”. Olga found her way under the rabbit barn and laid a clutch out of my reach. i blocked it off, so i’m sure sometime this summer it will start to stink under there. *yikes*

the “Duck-gloo” (we put a door on it since this photo was taken in july 2020)

the “Duck-gloo” (we put a door on it since this photo was taken in july 2020)

october 2020  the ducks think my husband is their BEST FRIEND

october 2020 the ducks think my husband is their BEST FRIEND

november 2020  learning to go down the steps onto the lawn where all of the nightcrawlers live

november 2020 learning to go down the steps onto the lawn where all of the nightcrawlers live

december 2020  putting a water dish on the steps helped them learn how to go down them. Fey decided that the water dish would be perfect to bathe in. silly hen duck.

december 2020 putting a water dish on the steps helped them learn how to go down them. Fey decided that the water dish would be perfect to bathe in. silly hen duck.

january 2021  discovering beds that are being prepped for gardening in the spring

january 2021 discovering beds that are being prepped for gardening in the spring

february 2021  Oscar didn’t want to let his ladies out in the snow. it took them a day or two to get used to walking on it.

february 2021 Oscar didn’t want to let his ladies out in the snow. it took them a day or two to get used to walking on it.

we have DUCKS

we were so sad to have to give up our chickens a few years ago. they were so entertaining and we enjoyed the fresh eggs. so……i convinced my doctor that ducks are much less of a threat since they aren’t dusty and they mostly poop in the water.

ducks are not anything like chickens! this has been quite the adventure figuring out the best way to house, feed, and keep the ducks happy. they aren’t as friendly or entertaining as chickens and the Muscovy haven’t laid any eggs yet, but I’m so happy to have them. it makes me happy when they waddle their tails at me and make cute noises. Oscar has just started to hiss instead of squeak, and it is so adorable.

the Khaki Campbells have only been here a few weeks and so far they are SUPER afraid of me. i’ve been trying to spend more time with them so they get used to the big scary giant that let’s them in and out of their house and gives them food and water….wait, shouldn’t they love me???? right now we have 4 drakelings and 5 ducklings. eventually when they are older we will decide on one drake to keep and put the rest in the freezer.

Contact us by phone or email.

(253) 220-7897