no eggs this winter

the girls have not given us any eggs at all this winter. we chose not to use lights this year because we thought that it might be nice to give their bodies a break since they were laying well for us last year. however, we have discovered that buying eggs is ridiculously expensive. 

mr merkel and I have been talking about getting new chicks soon so they will be laying by summer. soooo...last Wednesday when i stopped by the feed store they actually had 3 breeds of chicks that I've been wanting. we don't have names for them yet, but here are the new girls.

hatched 1/14/2016

unfortunately, the one on the far left has been sick since Saturday and the feed store has a 48 hour return policy. she has been gasping for breath which is a sign of several illnesses. for now we are treating her with antibiotics and electrolytes. so far she doesn't seem to be better or worse. if she does take a turn for the worse, we will not let her suffer. young chicks are very fragile and have a high mortality rate in general. we will be hoping for the best and continue treating her as long as necessary. keep your fingers crossed for this beautiful baby!

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(253) 220-7897