12 Week Old Growouts from Neisha & Octavia

I’ve culled 6 of the 11 kits that I had from my January litters. Here is what is left along with comments from a fellow Champagne breeder. The doe is spoken for, but the bucks are available to the people on my waiting list (those people should have a text message from me). These pictures were the best I could get given that these are junior bucks and I was by myself doing this, so understand that they are not perfect pictures or poses.

N15R1, Buck
Comments: Nice rise, but could move its peak back a bit. Great depth/width of loin. Well balanced. He’s a little low in the shoulder which makes his body a little long.

NBR1 (Formerly known as B), Buck
Comments: He’s a tall buck with nice width of loin, but flat. Good HQ and shoulders.

N3R1, Buck
Comments: Excellent meat rabbit. Good width, but very flat. Good rise with full HQ, and beautiful fur.

O3R1, Buck
Comment: Good rise and full HQ. May have a white spot on its back. Will show well if the white spot doesn’t develop.

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(253) 220-7897